Reflecting on the Close & Welcoming what’s next

I’ve been sitting in my kitchen for the past hour, reflecting on the last day and a half – or collective few years. There is a palpable grief, and and overwhelming gratitude, coursing through my body; it’s a power that I know is not anxiety, for once; it’s the awakening of dormant hope, settling into…

First, the Knowing.

Note: this is a bit of a heavy post, or at least it was for me in living and reflecting on it, so Bug is serving a dual role today as our featured image and our patron saint of bravery and love as we look into ourselves to connect with our world. A few years…

Shifting + Accelerating

Have you ever heard the saying that some people come into your life for a reason, for a season, or for a lifetime? I think the same is true for our purpose and passions, and how they show up and evolve through the chapters of our lives. I started this blog years ago, when I…

January Program: The Whole Damn Thing

Another year has closed out, and this time, we’re embarking on a fresh new decade. For the last 6 years, in one capacity or another, we’ve kicked off a New Year Wellness effort and community initiative to start the year with healthy, positive habit forming intentions. Throughout the years there have been a number of…

Because, We All Deserve Some Good Clean Fun

There is no better prep for a clean eating month than the complete over indulgence of the holidays — at least for me — but the most painful part (aside from the complete and total withdrawal from my holiday wine pours) is social time out in public. It’s not that it’s forbidden to go out,…


The first time we mentioned ‘clean eating’ and hosted the first ever seminar with 28toLife, we had 7 people show up…two of which were coaches.  A year later we launched the inaugural ‘Whole Damn Thing’ clean eating challenge and had 95 participants.  The community has steadily grown here in Charlottesville and in Charleston over the last two…